
Main site Sample code Sampling date Class taxa_group Taxon name Functional group growth_form value Quantification unit
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Mystacides azurea 7 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Synurophyceae Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff [Ivanov] E 0.0164 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraselmis cordiformis (H.J.Carter) F.Stein X2 0.0176 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Synurophyceae Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff [Ivanov] E 0.0008 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) D. M. Williams & Round 2.64 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraselmis cordiformis (H.J.Carter) F.Stein X2 0.0175 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Pisidium henslowanum 4 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0925 25.09.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraselmis cordiformis (H.J.Carter) F.Stein X2 0.0141 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Pisidium nitidum 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Colurella adriatica 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus angularis 18 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lepadella rhomboides 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing TB 0.24 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Gammarus roeselii 8 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Chlorophyceae Pseudopediastrum boryanum (Turpin) E.Hegewald J 0.0006 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Chlorophyceae Pseudopediastrum boryanum (Turpin) E.Hegewald J 0.0011 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lepadella sp. 12 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Riolus sp. 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Trichotria pocillum 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Gastropoda Bithynia tentaculata 200 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Oligochaeta Stylodrilus heringianus 3 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0119 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 CLADOCERA Alona affinis 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0508 08.05.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0134 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Caenis macrura 5 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0238 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 COPEPODA Harpacticoida sp. 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Virgatanytarsus sp. 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Achnanthidium delmontii Pérès, Le Cohu & Barthès 2.16 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0045 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0968 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0925 25.09.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis lacustris (Pascher & Ruttner) Javornicky X2 0.0982 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Hydropsyche siltalai 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Oligochaeta Lumbriculidae Gen. sp. 4 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Odonata Ophiogomphus cecilia 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Eloeophila sp. 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Ranunculus fluitans Hydrophyte 3 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Euchlanis dilatata 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Mytilina mucronata 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Gammarus pulex 2 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Conchapelopia agg. 6 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Eolimna minima (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 3.37 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Prodiamesa olivacea 4 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MP 09.07.2019 Bryophytes Fontinalis antipyretica Hydrophyte 3 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Plecoptera Leuctra geniculata 4 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Elmis aenea 5 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cocconeis pediculus Ehrenberg TB 0.72 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Notholca squamula 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Bacillariophyceae Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C.Agardh) Lange-Bertalot TB 0.0068 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Chironominae Gen. sp. 10 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow TB 16.83 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C.Agardh) Lange-Bertalot TB 0.0045 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 CLADOCERA Bosmina longirostris 12 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Elmis aenea/maugetii 15 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C.Agardh) Lange-Bertalot TB 0.0023 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Paradicranophorus hudsoni 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Baetis fuscatus 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0925 25.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C.Agardh) Lange-Bertalot TB 0.0068 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Ankyra sp. X1 0.0012 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Rhyacophila sp. 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Bacillariophyceae Asterionella formosa Hassall C 0.0215 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0508 08.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Asterionella formosa Hassall C 0.0013 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Asterionella formosa Hassall C 0.0014 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula cryptotenelloides Lange-Bertalot TB 0.24 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Asterionella formosa Hassall C 0.0009 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0508 08.05.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas marssonii Skuja Y 0.0083 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraselmis sp. X2 0.0141 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Cyanophyceae Dolichospermum spiroides (Klebhan) Wacklin, L.Hoffmann & Komárek H1 0.0218 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Synurophyceae Synura sp. WS 0.0281 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Platessa conspicua (A. Mayer) Lange-Bertalot 0.24 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Pediastrum duplex Meyen J 0.0011 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Synurophyceae Synura sp. WS 0.0141 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Synurophyceae Synura sp. WS 0.014 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 COPEPODA nauplii and copepodite stages 7 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Polyarthra dolichoptera 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Euchlanis sp. 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Filinia longiseta 18 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Schroederia setigera (Schröder) Lemmermann X3 0.0017 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Polyarthra longiremis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0092 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0508 08.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0138 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Polyarthra major 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Nitzschia fonticola Grunow 0.96 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0138 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0031 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Melosira varians C. Agardh 0.48 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0015 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0925 25.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W.Smith D 0.0168 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia paleacea (Grunow) Grunow TB 3.37 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0410 10.04.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula sp. TB 0.074 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 CLADOCERA Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 4 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula sp. TB 0.0411 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Navicula tripunctata (O. F. Müller) Bory 0.48 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PB_PBB 09.07.2019 Psammothidium subatomoides (Hustedt) Bukhtiyarova & Round 0.48 relative abundance in %
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula sp. TB 0.0658 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0828 28.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula sp. TB 0.0164 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0925 25.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Navicula sp. TB 0.0575 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Keratella cochlearis 42 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0731 31.07.2019 Chlorophyceae Monactinus simplex (Meyen) Corda J 0.0012 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-PP_0605 05.06.2019 Dinophyceae Gymnodinium lantzschii Utermöhl L0 0.0045 biomass in mg/l

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