
Main site Sample code Sampling date taxa_group Taxon name growth_form value Quantification unit
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane bulla 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane closterocerca 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus quadridentatus 66 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane luna 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 COPEPODA Eudiaptomus gracilis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Bdelloids 18 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Testudinella mucronata 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Testudinella patina 18 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Bra. quadridentatus melheni 12 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus sericus 12 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane pyriformis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane scutata 15 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus urceolaris 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Cephalodella biungulata 18 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Cephalodella gibba 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-1 JDS4-1-L-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lepadella patella 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus angularis 96 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Colurella uncinata 24 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Alona affinis 9 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Bosmina longirostris 139 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 COPEPODA nauplii and copepodite stages 42 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Filinia longiseta 264 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Polyarthra vulgaris 240 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus bennini 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Ceriodaphnia quadrangula 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Keratella cochlearis 264 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus budapestinensis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Daphnia cucullata 7 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Pompholyx sulcata 24 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Diaphanosoma brachyurum 2 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Synchaeta longipes 144 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus calyciflorus 206 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Keratella quadrata 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 CLADOCERA Moina brachiata 20 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Keratella tecta 96 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Synchaeta oblonga + tremula 2,400 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus diversicornis 24 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 COPEPODA Acanthocyclops robostus 2 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Synchaeta pectinata 480 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Asplanchna brightwelli 24 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus leydigi 3 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus quadridentatus 54 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 COPEPODA Cyclops vicinus 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 COPEPODA Eucyclops serrulatus 2 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Trichocerca capucina 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 COPEPODA Thermocyclops crassus 21 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus urceolaris 24 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-M-ZP 09.07.2019 ROTIFERA Trichocerca stylata 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Ranunculus fluitans Hydrophyte 2 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Bryophytes Fontinalis antipyretica Hydrophyte 1 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Spirodela polyrhiza Hydrophyte 2 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Lemna minor Hydrophyte 1 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Butomus umbellatus Helophyte 3 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MP 09.07.2019 Angiosperms Potamogeton perfoliatus Hydrophyte 3 Kohler scale (1-5)
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Esolus sp. 18 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Odonata Onychogomphus forcipatus forcipatus 2 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Mystacides azurea 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Sphaerium sp. 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Microtendipes sp. 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Sphaerium corneum 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Ostracoda Gen. sp. 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Polypedilum cultellatum 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Pisidium henslowanum 25 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Oligochaeta Potamothrix moldaviensis 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Rheotanytarsus sp. 41 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Gammarus roeselii 35 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Potthastia gaedii 7 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Riolus sp. 35 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Prodiamesa olivacea 3 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Gastropoda Bithynia tentaculata 35 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Oligochaeta Stylodrilus heringianus 2 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Potamanthus luteus 40 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Tvetenia sp. 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Caenis macrura 60 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Corophium sp. 150 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Virgatanytarsus sp. 3 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Corophium curvispinum 250 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Heteroptera Micronecta poweri poweri 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Cricotopus/Orthocladius 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Elmis sp. 5 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Gastropoda Potamopyrgus antipodarum 30 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Heptagenia sulphurea 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Tanytarsini Gen. sp. 10 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Bivalvia Dreissena polymorpha 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Chironomini Gen. sp. 60 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Oligochaeta Tubificidae Gen. sp. 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Diptera Orthocladiinae Gen. sp. 22 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Polychaeta Hypania invalida 80 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Crustacea Dikerogammarus villosus 60 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Brachycentrus subnubilus 40 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Gastropoda Ancylus fluviatilis 15 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Psychomyia pusilla 20 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Hirudinea Dina punctata 2 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Ceraclea dissimilis 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Lepidostoma hirtum 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Coleoptera Riolus subviolaceus 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Polycentropus flavomaculatus 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Athripsodes albifrons 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Ephemeroptera Serratella ignita 1 absolute abundance
JDS4-2 JDS4-2-R-MZB_MHS 09.07.2019 Trichoptera Athripsodes bilineatus 1 absolute abundance

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