
Main site Sample code Sampling date Class Taxa group Taxon name Functional group Value Quantification unit
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Chlorophyceae Chloromonas sp. X2 0.014000000432133675 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Coscinodiscophyceae Melosira varians C.Agardh TB 0.03099999949336052 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis nannoplanctica (H.Skuja) G.Novarino, I.A.N.Lucas & S.Morrall X2 0.004000000189989805 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Euglenophyceae Lepocinclis fusiformis (H.J.Carter) Lemmermann W1 0.09099999815225601 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Chlorophyceae Desmodesmus armatus (Chodat) E.H.Hegewald J 0.00039999998989515007 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Chloromonas sp. X2 0.11299999803304672 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis nannoplanctica (H.Skuja) G.Novarino, I.A.N.Lucas & S.Morrall X2 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cryptophyceae Plagioselmis nannoplanctica (H.Skuja) G.Novarino, I.A.N.Lucas & S.Morrall X2 0.007000000216066837 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Euglenophyceae Phacus curvicauda Svirenko W1 0.009999999776482582 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cocconeis lineata Ehrenberg TB 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cocconeis lineata Ehrenberg TB 0.041999999433755875 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.008999999612569809 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cyclotella atomus Hustedt B 0.010999999940395355 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cocconeis lineata Ehrenberg TB 0.008999999612569809 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Euglenophyceae Phacus longicauda (Ehrenberg) Dujardin W1 0.020999999716877937 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cyclotella atomus Hustedt B 0.008999999612569809 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.004000000189989805 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cyclotella atomus Hustedt B 0.0020000000949949026 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia fruticosa Hustedt D 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.008999999612569809 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia fruticosa Hustedt D 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena catenata Lauterborn S1 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Mediophyceae Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow D 0.21899999678134918 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G.S.West) Korshikov F 0.00800000037997961 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.00800000037997961 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia umbonata (Ehrenberg) Lange-Bertalot TB 0.004000000189989805 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Chrysophyceae Kephyrion ovum Pascher X2 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Mediophyceae Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow D 0.04899999871850014 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G.S.West) Korshikov F 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Siderocelis ornata (Fott) Fott J 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraëdron triangulare Korshikov J 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Mediophyceae Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow D 0.0020000000949949026 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G.S.West) Korshikov F 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraëdron triangulare Korshikov J 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Euglenophyceae Phacus polytrophos Pochmann W1 0.0020000000949949026 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Mediophyceae Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow D 0.026000000536441803 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G.S.West) Korshikov F 0.013000000268220901 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Chlorophyceae Tetraëdron triangulare Korshikov J 0.00039999998989515007 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Chlorophyceae Pteromonas angulosa Lemmermann X2 0.0020000000949949026 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena galeata Böcher S1 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Mediophyceae Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow D 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Trebouxiophyceae Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G.S.West) Korshikov F 0.004000000189989805 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena galeata Böcher S1 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) D.M.Williams & Round D 0.020999999716877937 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena galeata Böcher S1 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena galeata Böcher S1 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cyclostephanos dubius (Hustedt) Round A 0.03700000047683716 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas caudata J.Schiller Y 0.039000000804662704 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia amphibia Grunow TB 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas caudata J.Schiller Y 0.023000000044703484 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia amphibia Grunow TB 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia amphibia Grunow TB 0.0005000000237487257 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia amphibia Grunow TB 0.006000000052154064 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia amphibia Grunow TB 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Chrysophyceae Kephyrion sp. X2 0.01899999938905239 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Euglenophyceae Strombomonas eurystoma (F.Stein) T.G.Popova W2 0.0860000029206276 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Chrysophyceae Kephyrion sp. X2 0.004000000189989805 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cyanophyceae Pseudanabaena limnetica (Lemmermann) Komárek S1 0.028999999165534973 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Euglenophyceae Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemmermann) Deflandre W2 0.013000000268220901 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Euglenophyceae Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemmermann) Deflandre W2 0.03099999949336052 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Euglenophyceae Strombomonas fluviatilis (Lemmermann) Deflandre W2 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Chlorophyceae Coelastrum microporum Nägeli J 0.0989999994635582 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg Y 0.09799999743700027 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Diatoma vulgaris var. linearis Grunow TB 0.01600000075995922 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Chlorophyceae Coelastrum microporum Nägeli J 0.004999999888241291 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg Y 0.04699999839067459 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki TB 0.0020000000949949026 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia linearis W.Smith TB 0.024000000208616257 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg Y 0.11299999803304672 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia linearis W.Smith TB 0.00800000037997961 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg Y 0.0689999982714653 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia linearis W.Smith TB 0.02800000086426735 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Chrysophyceae Kephyrion spirale (Lackey) Conrad X2 0.00039999998989515007 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg Y 0.014999999664723873 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia linearis W.Smith TB 0.029999999329447746 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Actinocyclus normanii (W.Gregory ex Greville) Hustedt D 0.052000001072883606 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Chlorophyceae Desmodesmus bicaudatus (Dedusenko) P.M.Tsarenko J 0.0010000000474974513 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cymatopleura solea (Brébisson) W.Smith TB 0.029999999329447746 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Cymatopleura solea (Brébisson) W.Smith TB 0.04600000008940697 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas curvata Ehrenberg Y 0.00800000037997961 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0515 15.05.2019 Bacillariophyceae Tryblionella apiculata W.Gregory TB 0.009999999776482582 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0529 29.05.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas curvata Ehrenberg Y 0.029999999329447746 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Bacillariophyceae Tryblionella apiculata W.Gregory TB 0.014999999664723873 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0612 12.06.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas curvata Ehrenberg Y 0.052000001072883606 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0910 10.09.2019 Bacillariophyceae Tryblionella apiculata W.Gregory TB 0.003000000026077032 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0710 10.07.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas curvata Ehrenberg Y 0.03799999877810478 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-PP_0812 12.08.2019 Cryptophyceae Cryptomonas curvata Ehrenberg Y 0.10400000214576721 biomass in mg/l
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Bdelloids 4 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Notholca squamula 2 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Platyias quadricornis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Euchlanis dilatata 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus angularis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 CLADOCERA Chydorus sphaericus 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus budapestinensis 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 COPEPODA nauplii and copepodite stages 6 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Brachionus calyciflorus 5 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 CLADOCERA Scapholeberis mucronata 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 ROTIFERA Lecane bulla 1 Total abundance (in 100 liter)
JDS4-49 JDS4-49-M-ZP 10.07.2019 COPEPODA Acanthocyclops robostus 7 Total abundance (in 100 liter)

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